Feb 22, 2009 7:19 PM
Subject: Protest at the prison, Saturday March 7th from 11AM - 2PM
Shut Hutto Down! - Change we can believe in!!!
Saturday, March 7th in Taylor Texas at 11AM at the T.
Don Hutto "Residential" Facility 1001 Welch St, Taylor, TX 76574
Join us to Protest at the Prison.
Students for a Democratic Society of the University of Houston is calling for a protest at the T. Don Hutto Family Residential Center in Taylor Texas on Saturday March 7th. The T. Don Hutto Facility is a retrofitted medium security prison run by the Tennessee based Corrections Corporation of America, that detains pregnant women and women with children awaiting immigration court hearings.
This is a violation of the rights of children, a draconian false solution to the issues raised by human migration, a huge waste of taxpayer dollars going into the pockets of CCA shareholders, and a bad public policy, period. The intersection of xenophobia and anti-immigrant hysteria and the continual growth of prisons for profit is a threat to human rights. We can not sit by and allow private companies to profit of off the incarceration of children.
As part of the 100 actions in 100 days to end family detention we are calling on people and organization from throughout Texas to join us on March 7th in Taylor Texas at 11am at the T. Don Hutto Residential Facility 1001 Welch St, Taylor, TX 76574. Please get in touch if you would like to be listed as a co-sponsor.
SDS in Houston will be leaving from the University of Houston campus at 7:30am to caravan to Taylor. If you would like a space in one of our vans (we are also asking for a deposit for the rental), or to carpool with us, please write us an email
To learn more about the T Don Hutto Facility and the struggle against detention for profit, check out: