Friday, January 20, 2006

Breaking Bread with the Homeless

Breaking Bread with the Homeless

written by zem zyzi

I've never been directly involved with Poor Folks and had no idea what I was getting into. Once in a while I would give small change to a Bag Lady or a Drunk salvaging garbage for aluminum cans then thank them for helping clean up our neighborhood and always gave generously to the Salvation Army and others I thought might make a difference.

Then a Street Body told me of a place near by that fed m every Saturday morning. But I forgot what time he said. So I set out about 9:30 to look. After driving around a while, I spotted a Can Collector I had seen before in our neighborhood and asked direction.

The Soup Line didn't open 'tell eleven, so I sat in my car a while and watched as they came from nowhere; some with all their earthly belongings. I guess when you first become homeless, there is a lot
of "down-sizing" to be done.

I played Santa for Christmas, so my full beard and skull-cap blended me in with the group. When the food DID arrive, those lazy, drunken bums became "Santa's Helpers" bending over backwards to get every thing set up!

What a happy group we were! Many knew each other and it was like a weekly family reunion. When the Head Deacon asked me how I was, I said I was OK and asked him how he was and where he lived. He was fine and lived up on Nob Hill. So then I asked him when were they going to open up THAT area for the Homeless. He smiled and moved on.

The sermon was something about sin, forgiveness and blessings from above. The music was L O U D and enthusiastic. We all AMENed and clapped on cue. One drunken derelict in the back, chimed in, "She'll be coming round the mountain, when she comes." I said AMEN to that.

The cold chocolate milk, hot cup a soup, and two hot dogs were good. I didn't know they were barbecuing hamburgers too, so when they put one on my paper plate, I thank them and came home to eat it.

Who knows? Maybe I'll go back next Saturday! - - zem zyzi

Zem is now a Homeless Advocate in Las Vegas. Every afternoon at 2 PM, he takes two gallons of milk or orange juice (whichever is on sale at Smith's Food and Drug nearby) to Huntridge Circle Park for anyone there who wants a glass or two. Others bring hot beans and rice, soup, bread or whatever they have. Eat all you want and take all you want. For T H A N K S the homeless keep the park clean. I wish housing were as free as food.

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