Monday, April 03, 2006

Death in Vegas,
Las Vegas CityLife, March 23, 2006

Homeless man's apparent OD highlights the need for more detox beds

Norman Bangs waits in a food line at Circle Park. Bangs, 39, died March 11 behind an abandoned building across from the park.

Photo Credit: Bill Hughes, Photo Editor


Norman Bangs had finally had enough of the streets. He'd had enough of the cold and dusty back lots, the police harassment, and the mocking teenagers. He'd had enough of the newspaper beds, the relentless sun and the lack of running water. He'd had enough of the drinking and the drugs.

He just wanted a little help. What he got was the cold shoulder and a one-way ticket
back to the streets, where he died earlier this month.

To read the complete article:

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