Saturday, June 11, 2005

Letter of Support for Saab Lofton

CityLife prints letter supporting Saab's antiwar efforts. This letter of support for Saab Lofton was endorsed by PEACE NOW, a growing antiwar group in Las Vegas.

Local anti-war effort hurt by Saab's absence

Click on the title to view letter of support.

1 comment:

mom_in_las_vegas said...

Even though Saab is no longer writing for CityLife, he is STILL writing.

To my knowlwedge, Saab was the only radical columnist in Las Vegas until he lost his job with CityLife. Also, he was the only African-American writer at City Life.

But with much support from his fellow comrades, he is still writing. And, he still has his weekly radio show for those interested.

Saab Lofton

Battle Neverending by Saab Lofton, the radical columnist formerly with the Las Vegas CityLife.


Battle Neverending, Portrays an Important Vision for Earth

More Reviews:

More Reviews, Buy the Book

Corporate Coup at City Life

by Steve Hampton with comments

Corporate Coup at City Life