Sunday, July 30, 2006

Great Article #3 ABC

Not to exclude all the great artices that have been written in the past, but I would like to share a few of the latest great articles here- in no particular order.

First, thank you to the writers/reporters/editors of the Las Vegas City Life, Las Vegas Sun, and the Las Vegas Review Journal who have kept the homeless/poverty issue out in the media.

I know I have written personally to some of you in the past, and please forgive me if I haven't. You, the media, will be the true heroes when we bring about positive, social changes. Thank you.

Feed the Hungry, Go to Jail?
Vegas Mayor Bans Volunteer Food Programs in Public Parks


July 28, 2006 — Homeless advocates in Las Vegas have been told to stop giving food to the hungry in public parks or risk going to jail.

The Las Vegas City Council unanimously passed an ordinance last week that makes it illegal to feed the homeless in any city park.

Las Vegas officials and homeless advocates say they want to help the homeless, but their conflicting views on how to help have become a legal and political battle.

To read the full article:

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